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Etonism and KASC

Does etonism pre-vision of revolution in Africa? Mr. Ana Etona and its philosophy ETONISM explained by Patricio Batsikama remember us Luther King Jr and Matma Gandhi. First, the camp of observation well structured semiotically. Angola. All philosophy...

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Etonism at University of Kansas

Etonism: philosophy of tolerant reason Patrício Batsîkama. 1) Definition Etymologically, the term etonism is from the nickname of "Etona" that means in languages 1) reasons, 2) allegations, 3) indulgence, 4) evidence that generates 5) the justice and...

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Etonismo: anti-excluismo entre dois polos tendenciais? Patrício Batsîkama Platão coloca na boca de Sócrates as seguintes palavras: «... nós impedimos que o sapateiro tenta ser ao mesmo tempo lavrador, ou tecelão, ou pedreiro, e só o deixámos ser sapateiro,...

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